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Revised November 2024


This organization shall be known as The University of Texas Houston Retiree Organization (UTHRO).

ARTICLE II - Purpose

This organization exists for the following purposes:

A. To provide and maintain a connection between The University and its retirees.

B. To provide a means of interaction for its members, and to encourage new, continued and renewed friendships among its members.

C. To sponsor educational presentations relating to concerns of retired persons, including but not limited to medical, economic, legal, and social issues.

ARTICLE III - Membership and Dues

A. Membership

1. Membership in this organization shall consist of faculty and staff who have officially retired from any UT System institution in the greater Houston area.

2. Membership shall also include surviving spouses of retirees and employees who anticipate retirement from any UT System institution in the greater Houston area.

B. Dues

1. Membership in the organization requires an annual dues payment.

2. Dues shall be for a calendar year beginning January 1. Annual dues are payable on or before the first day of January of each year. Any person who has not paid the annual dues by May 31, will be removed from the Membership Roster.

3. Each membership payment of annual dues entitles the member to one vote.

4. The Executive Committee of the organization will review the dues annually and determine any change in membership dues.

ARTICLE IV - Officers and Elections

A. Officers of UTHRO shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. At-large members may be appointed by the Executive Committee. All of these shall comprise the Executive Committee.

B. Officers shall be elected at the general meeting to be held in November of each year.

C. Officers shall be elected for a two-year term and may also be re-elected for an additional consecutive two-year term. Their terms of office shall begin on January 1 following their election. The Treasurer will be elected by the membership but the term of service will be at the discretion of the President.

D. All vacancies in office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee. Appointees shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

E. Members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office.

ARTICLE V - Duties of Officers

A. President – The President shall serve as the chief elected officer of the organization and shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee. When possible, and as necessary, the President shall stimulate, promote, and develop ideas and direction of the membership. The President will give notice of all meetings of the Executive Committee and meetings of the members. The President with the approval of the Executive Committee shall appoint committee chairs and members-at-large to the Executive Committee.

B. Vice President – It shall be the duty of the Vice President to focus on the membership, its growth and those issues of importance to the membership. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to serve as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. The Vice President shall preside at the meetings in the absence of the President or at the request of the President.

C. Secretary – The Secretary shall take, or cause to be taken, the minutes at all meetings and distribute them to the Executive Committee. All records shall be kept at the principal office of the organization or such other place as the Executive Committee may order.

D. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct accounts of the properties and business. The books of account shall at all times be open to inspection by any member of the Executive Committee. Furthermore, the Executive Committee shall appoint an ad hoc committee to conduct an annual audit of the organization’s account books. The Treasurer shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, all monies and shall manage and reconcile any bank accounts. The Treasurer shall present a statement of current financial status of the organization as directed by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for membership based upon payment of dues.

ARTICLE VI – Committees

A. Executive Committee

The organization shall have an Executive Committee which consists of the officers, the newsletter editor, the Immediate Past President, and at least three active members to serve as members at-large. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly and transact business of the organization.

B. Standing Committees

Standing committees shall report to the Executive Committee and shall include the following:

1. Newsletter Committee – The newsletter editor will chair this committee and will be able to recruit additional members at his/her discretion. The editor and the committee will be responsible for publishing and distributing the monthly newsletter.

2. Events Committee – This committee shall arrange for and coordinate events and programs for all organizational meetings. It shall provide services and support at events and social functions as needed.

3. Nominating Committee – This committee shall present a slate of candidates for election at the annual regular meeting.

4. Health Committee – This committee shall arrange an annual health presentation and/or symposium of interest to the organization’s members.

5. Endowment Committee – This committee shall develop, promote and maintain the organization’s endowment fund. The Endowment Committee with the approval of the Executive Committee shall consult on directing the funds annually.

C. Terms of Office

Members of the Standing Committees shall serve a one-year term and may be reappointed for additional terms.

D. Other Committees

The Executive Committee may appoint other committees, as necessary. These committees shall report to the Executive Committee and terms of office will be determined by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VII - Organizational Meetings

A. One business meeting shall be held in November to coincide with the Annual Meeting.

B. The President or the Executive Committee may call special meetings as deemed necessary.

C. The organization may hold other educational, informational, and social events of choice at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VIII - Amendments

Amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting of the organization.


The Executive Committee shall review the Bylaws annually, and if altered shall be approved by the membership at any regular meeting of the organization.

ARTICLE X – Rules of Procedure

The Executive Committee may adopt rules of procedure to govern their meetings and those of any committee. A current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern this organization in all parliamentary situations not provided for in the bylaws or rules of the organization.