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About Us


The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) founded the University of Texas Houston Retiree Organization (UTHRO) in 1993. At that time, the retiree organization had basic objectives which have been augmented over time serving the following purposes:

  • To aid employees in making the transition from active employee to retiree by providing a continued relationship;
  • To enhance the relationship between retirees and UTHealth by providing a means of communication and collaboration;
  • To sponsor educational presentations relating to concerns of retired persons, including but not limited to, medical care and other economic, legal, and social issues;
  • To articulate issues of concern to retired persons;
  • To increase retiree participation in university activities, such as mentor and volunteer programs, annual campaigns, teaching part-time, etc.

UTHRO welcomes faculty and staff who have officially retired from any UT System institution in the greater Houston area as well as their spouses. Employees who anticipate retiring in the near future are also welcome. For more information about The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Retiree Organization please click on the following links below:

Join UTHRO today!

New Beginnings – Better Together

Membership Forms: Membership Enrollment Form | Membership Renewal Form

The UTHRO executive committee officers are perpetually busy planning new beginnings within this group to be together. Why should you participate?

  • You have a friend who participates in UTHRO and recommends it.
  • You are a forward thinking person who welcomes new opportunities.
  • You like the idea of being with others and making new friends.
  • You feel fortunate to be a part of this shared UTHealth common bond.
  • The combination of good times with good friends appeals to you.

Studies can be pursued at home alone. Television can be viewed at home alone. Reading can be enjoyed at home alone. A healthy lifestyle can be maintained alone through exercise and other activities. Family is always cherished in many of these efforts. Good works are prominent in many of our lives. All of these actions make up very busy lifestyles for us all.

The remaining question then is how else can we enrich our lives? And the answer is … there is power in joining others in new and challenging endeavors. By meeting together, let us spur one another on toward new beginnings of adventures and camaraderie. We are better together!

So please, come and join UTHRO - you’ll be glad you did …

UTHRO Endowment for Healthy Aging

Our UTHRO Endowment for Healthy Aging was established in 2016. In conjunction with the UTHealth Consortium on Aging we are supporting patient care, education and clinical research related to aging through the awarding of annual grants to worthy recipients in the seven schools of UTHealth Houston. These grants are funded from the interest on the corpus of our endowment as it continues to grow. As of January 2025 the value of the endowment is about  $132,000. The March 2021 Evergreen newsletter has an article which provides detailed information about the UTHRO endowment as well as the UTHealth Consortium on Aging. Sadly, Dr. Carmel Dyer, founding director of the Consortium on Aging, passed away May 4, 2021. However, the work of the consortium continues and UTHRO remains a steadfast supporter through members' contributions to our Endowment for Healthy Aging.

UTHRO members will hear from their Endowment Committee regularly to celebrate our successes. News about our 2023 grant awards can be found on page 3 of the October 2023 Evergreen newsletter. Grants were not awarded in 2024 in order to allow faster growth of the Endowment corpus but will resume in 2025. Contributions can include memorial gifts, honor gifts and more. The UTHRO Endowment Committee plans to continue promoting an appeal each fall to help grow the endowment, but any gift is welcome - at any time - from members and friends of UTHRO. We are “Seniors Helping Seniors”.

Details about donating and pledging are included on our printable form at the link below. If sending a check, please write “for UTHRO Endowment” on the memo line to ensure your intention is met.

Donation/Pledge form: UTHRO Annual Appeal Gift and/or Pledge Agreement